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Hammer Your Creative Side & Improve Your Business With These Smart Tips

The word “creativity” is associated with a number of misconceptions. One, that it is a trait that arises out of innate talent and is therefore unlearnable. And two, it’s a skill solely restricted to writers, artists, and musicians.

Creativity is a social and mental process that empowers us to create something extraordinary, something never attempted before.

Much akin to a muscle, it needs to be challenged and stretched out to be implemented in all aspects of life, be it the artistic or the business field. Yep, business minds and entrepreneurs are super creative too. If they weren’t, could their businesses be in the position they are today?


Kristopher Roller/Unsplash | Creativity empowers us to create something extraordinary, something never attempted before, and it’s immensely helpful in business

However, our daily life being in absolute chaos, our creativity often takes a backseat; we do get a great idea, but that just fizzles after sometime. So should we let that dynamic side in us be completely enshrouded in dust?

Well absolutely not! All it needs is some stimulation and a few stunning tricks to boost it up. Here’s a compilation of three such proven tips for your help.

#1 – What’s the harm in experimenting?

Can you ever imagine yourself loving skydiving? No, right? But once you actually lose yourself in the midst of clouds, only then can you acknowledge that you love it. That proves that our inner selves get excited at the idea of experimenting in life. Probably the only thing that stops us from realizing our experiments or genius ideas is the fear of failure. 

That is exactly the case in business. You may have a whole range of ideas at the back of your mind, but maybe you’re being pulled down by your ingrained fears. You need to acknowledge that it’s okay to make mistakes! If plan A didn’t work, plan B will.

The very first step to bring about a revolution is fostering a culture where experimentation is a priority, and where there’s no judgment. Only when the entire workforce, not just the top-level people, dares to think is when a business can truly soar high.


fauxels/Pexels | The very first step to bring about a revolution is fostering a culture where experimentation is a priority, and where there’s no judgment

#2 – Unplug yourself from the world

Unlike the 70s or 80s, our present world is way too fast-paced; life is no longer a slow experience but a rat race. In such a scenario, people have totally forgotten to unplug themselves from their work desks.

They’re so engrossed in their busy schedules that they’re constantly on edge, stressing themselves with the littlest of things. But it’s important to realize that they can’t go on this way forever.

Thus, whenever you feel that your creative side is slowly shutting down, disconnect yourself from the humdrum of life and enter into a world of pin-drop silence. Indulge in deep idiosyncratic thoughts and let yourself free. Meditate everyday and ditch the concept of binging all night. Who knows, you might be the next cover face on the city’s best entrepreneur magazine!

#3 – Ink them down

When the scale of our creativity falls, our memory too steps down. So, if something amazing strikes you now and you don’t note it down, rest assured of never remembering it again! Always make it a point to carry a little notebook and a pen with you, or best, use your smartphone to quickly note those haphazard thoughts. ‘Cause you never know when the bulb of your creative side will light up!


Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels | Always make it a point to carry a little notebook and a pen with you, or best, use your smartphone to quickly note those haphazard thoughts

Wrapping it up

Considering the year-round stress of career, family, and personal goals, it’s okay to be more overwhelmed and less creative at times. But incorporating these offbeat tips, you’re sure to reignite the flame of your creativity!

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