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How to Stop Feeling Cold When Fasting and Stay Cozy

Fasting has many benefits, but feeling cold isn’t usually one of them. When the body isn’t digesting food, it can lead to a noticeable drop in temperature, making you feel chilly. This is a common experience, and thankfully, there are several effective strategies to stay warm and comfortable during fasting periods. Here’s how to stop feeling cold when fasting effectively.

Why Does Fasting Make You Feel Cold?

When fasting, the body isn’t actively digesting food, which can decrease metabolic heat production. Eating generates heat as a byproduct of metabolism, so without this process, the body may not produce as much warmth. Additionally, fasting can lead to lower blood sugar levels, which might contribute to a sensation of chilliness.

How to stop feeling cold when fasting.

Karolina Kaboompics | Pexels | Fasting can decrease metabolic heat production, which can make you feel chilly.

How to Stop Feeling Cold When Fasting in 7 Ways 

1. Stay Active to Boost Circulation

Physical activity can be a great way to generate body heat. Regular exercise, especially outdoor activities, promotes blood circulation and can help combat the cold. Even light exercises such as walking or stretching can make a noticeable difference. Fresh air can be invigorating, and physical movement stimulates blood flow, naturally warming the body.

2. Dress in Layers

Wearing layers can trap body heat and help you stay warm. Woolen socks, thermal underwear, and cozy sweaters are excellent choices. Layers can be adjusted easily according to comfort and changing temperatures, ensuring that you remain snug without overheating.

3. Hydrate with Warm Beverages

Drinking warm liquids is an effective method to stay cozy. Unsweetened teas, hot water with a squeeze of lemon, or ginger infusions can provide warmth from the inside out. These beverages not only hydrate but also have a comforting effect. Herbal teas, in particular, can be soothing and help maintain a sense of warmth throughout the fasting period.

How to stop feeling cold when fasting.

Karolina Kaboompics | Pexels | Drinking warm liquids is an effective method to stay cozy.

4. Utilize External Heat Sources

Using external heat sources can be very effective. Warm foot baths are a quick way to warm up, especially before bed. Hot water bottles or heating pads can be used to target specific areas of the body, providing direct warmth. A hot shower or bath can also help raise the body’s core temperature and relieve the cold.

5. Choose Wholesome Foods During Eating Windows

During non-fasting periods, it’s essential to consume wholesome foods that support overall health and warmth. Lean proteins, green vegetables, nuts, and beans are excellent choices. These foods provide the necessary nutrients to maintain energy levels and support metabolic functions. Ensuring a balanced diet during eating windows can help mitigate the cold sensation during fasting.

6. Create a Cozy Environment

Making your environment cozy can significantly enhance comfort. Soft blankets, warm lighting, and a comfortable seating arrangement can create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Keeping the living space comfortable and reducing drafts can also help maintain warmth.

7. Listen to Your Body

It’s important to pay attention to how your body responds to fasting. If the cold sensation persists beyond fasting periods or is unusually intense, it might be worth consulting with a healthcare professional. Persistent cold can sometimes be a sign of underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

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