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How to Buy Artist Publishing Rights? A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a musician looking to expand your control over your music, understanding how to buy artist publishing rights is crucial. Publishing rights give you the power to earn from your music every time it is played, streamed, or used commercially.

Essentially, these rights pertain to the ownership and control of a song’s composition: The lyrics, melody, and harmony. When you own the publishing rights, you get paid whenever your music is played on the radio, streamed online, or used in TV shows, movies, or commercials.

Imagine owning the publishing rights to a classic Busta Rhymes track. Every time that song is played or licensed, you earn money. Of course, it is a way to ensure that you have a say in how your music is used and distributed. This is why learning how to buy artist publishing rights is so important for musicians who want to take their careers to the next level.

How to Buy Artist Publishing Rights?

The first step in learning how to buy artist publishing rights is identifying the specific songs or catalog you want to own. Start with your own music. Are there any tracks you have written but do not fully control? Reclaiming these rights can be a great first move. But don’t stop there! Look beyond your own work.

How to buy artist publishing rights?

Pixabay / Pexes / First thing first: Consider artists whose music you admire or whose style aligns with your own.

For instance, Busta Rhymes has a rich catalog of tracks that have stood the test of time. Think about the long-term potential of the songs. Are they likely to continue generating income through streaming or licensing? Choosing the right music to invest in is key to making a smart purchase.

Research Who Owns the Rights

Once you identify the songs you are interested in, the next step is to find out who currently owns the publishing rights. These rights might be held by the artist, a music publishing company, or even a record label. Knowing the owner is essential because this is who you will negotiate with.

Finding the current rights holder can sometimes be tricky, especially if the music has changed hands multiple times. Organizations like ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC keep records of song ownership and can be a helpful resource in tracking down the current owner.

Determine the Value of the Rights

Now, you need to understand what the rights are worth. This step is all about evaluating the financial value of the music. Look at how much the song has earned in the past from royalties, streaming, and licensing deals. Then, consider its potential to generate income in the future.

However, if you are not sure how to evaluate the rights, consider consulting with a music rights appraiser who can provide a professional assessment.

Negotiate the Purchase

With a clear idea of what the publishing rights are worth, it is time to start negotiating. This part of the process is where you will need to use your business skills. You will be discussing terms with the current owner to reach an agreement that works for both of you.

How to buy artist publishing rights?

Cono / Pexels / Use your business skills to negotiate the contract and make the most out of it!

The goal is to buy the rights at a price that reflects their true value and aligns with your budget.

Conduct Legal Due Diligence

This means reviewing all contracts related to the publishing rights to ensure there are no hidden issues or complications that could affect your ownership. As a musician, this step protects your investment and helps avoid potential legal problems down the line.

Ideally, work with a music rights lawyer to go over the details. They can help you understand the legal jargon and ensure that the transfer of rights is legitimate and binding.

Finalize the Purchase and Transfer the Rights

Once you’ve negotiated the terms and completed your legal checks, it is time to finalize the purchase. This involves signing a purchase agreement that details everything you have agreed on, including the price, payment terms, and any conditions. After the agreement is signed, the publishing rights are officially yours.

After closing the deal, notify relevant organizations like ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC about the change in ownership. This ensures that any future royalties are directed to you and that your ownership is recognized within the industry.

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